
Monday, January 13, 2014

Pizza is the devil

Hello.  My name is Crystal and I am a pizzaholic.

Confession time!  I am addicted to pizza.  Addicted.  It is the one food on the planet that I have SERIOUS issues with.  I made myself a deal a few months ago that I would only eat pizza I made from scratch.  I have done REALLY well with that.  Until last night.  Then it all went out the window.  Every time I drink more than 1 glass of wine, my body says YOU NEED PIZZA!  So the empty alcohol calories aren't enough, I need to add significant calories and insane fat grams to my diet as well.  I had one of those moments last night.  I can only recall 1 time that I ever drank that I didn't have pizza.  It's crazy.  My DH even gave me the option for Lean Pockets.  Apparently my I WANT PIZZA overtook his willpower to stop me from myself because - I had pizza!  I did not add extra cheese which is rare in itself.  Bottom line: I know better.  This is the main reason that I rarely drink.  I am unable (unwilling) to stop myself.  At least it was Sunday and I have the rest of the week to make up for this choice.  No excuses.  I made a choice to eat it.  I am very aware of this flaw in my nutritional focus.  I had a VERY small amount of fat grams today and limited calories to level the playing field a bit.  One day does not a lifestyle make.  It's about making more good choices than bad and continuing on the journey even when poor choices are made.  I am still fat...and fighting it!

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